One of the very few people who matter in my life told me this today:
1. "You are not what you think you are, but you are what you think!": Your thoughts invariably make your person and your entire thought process.
2. "What you do in your free time determines how you do in your busiest times": come to think of it, I have been told many a times since school that my most important habit is to stay extremely cool in most adverse situations. I attribute this to my patient swimming for hours at an end and also to the fact that i had many seen too many things in life too early.
Very important note to self: Things just don't happen randomly, they are a product of what you have done and what have you been thinking. It is all like a code for a program, the output is always exactly what you have written.
Then what about GOD? Well, he gets to decide when to press the ENTER key!!!
Pearls of Wisdom!
Over the past week, i have been disturbed. Not for anything serious, but just those moments when you inspect, introspect and evaluate. Sudenly the course of things seems murky, you doubt your own actions and the general scheme of things that you have created for your self.
I spent much time talking with some very close friends, reading up truly great words and as usual speaking to my mother. Her words remind me of all the things that i truly want, show me the path to take. Some time alone spent jogging and the usual pranayam has made things clearer. Now it is much better! In fact i feel rekindled for life again and the enthusiasm to wake up every morning and work towards something has come back. It is time to bet everything for a chance at something that you wanted, time to cherish and time to enjoy each and every moment as it comes.
I have pushed myself to the work levels that i want and now is the time to push the envelope and push myself to be really the best that i really can.