How short is our life span when considered the bigger scheme of things. How much do we strive for in this short span, money, affection, status, success, recognition, fame, friends or even peace.

But in 90 % of the cases most remember childhood as their happiest time. Surprisingly we had none of these while we are kids. The first rain, the muddy patch of land served as the cricket pitch, the circle on the ground as the battlefield of kabaddi and a bag of 30 marbles was considered a wealth. The kite flying taught unforgettable lessons in life which even the best profs havent matched up.

Today, it seems a long journey. But time and again i would give it all for just one more evening of that careless life. Maybe i was lucky to have an unbrindled time with just the right amount of guidance when needed.

It all makes me realise what do we actually yearn for? Many think for a job, a position or an opportunity. I feel it is doing what we want actually and not falling for the herd.

The flight is only as high as the will for it and not the wind of some one else's efforts. It reminds me of Coelho in the Alchemist, " Slowly as we grow, we move away from our real dreams with the chains of practicality and common sense".

If we barely manage to keep the fire alive then its worth to toss it all out for just one shot at the dice of chance.