The mid terms are finally over. 6 papers in five days. And what a week!! The insti conducts its exams in a stricter manner than CAT itself.
-We have new seating arrangement for every paper.
-Got to report 5 minutes early or the doors are closed for 45 minutes during exam. (and believe me that is harakiri.)
-If you are caught doing something you shouldn't do, say bye-bye to that MBA degree.

couple of good things....
- all the formulae are given to you. The prof of statistics actually came asking whether we needed any formulae and wrote them on board. The trick is to use them properly.
-The papers are really fundoo, with questions like " essay on your learning experience in mba" for 10 marks.
- In Economics, we had a 30 mark question which was based on application of a theory to a real world problem and 20 marks for "Do you think eco is a science". Here the normal chatter that a prof does which you think is useless actually comes to your aid.
-IN LAW we had questions which stated "ANSWER UPTO SIX PAGES"!!!

Overall in one week we gave papers ranging from accounts, law, org behaviour,economics etc.
It was damn hectic with sleeping time from 3am to 6 am. Some even had entire night outs. Especially when we had two 3 hr papers in one day(and one of them was LAW!)