I thought until now that it was hectic, but i now realise what actual hectic is. The selection for all on-campus committees has started. It is done on a scale of a job interviews, cos some of them like Placecom and other fest coms are simply huge with budgets of about 30 lacs.
I gave 5 interviews yesterday, the last at 2 am and slept at 4. Today i gave some interviews, understood the placement process in detail (it is on the scale of a war between 2 countries with clockwork precision), got feedback from seniors* on my ABS essay.
Its 4 am now and i ve to study for Organisational Behaviour and report to class at 9 am and then have Placecom interview at 3 pm. I probably should get some sleep now. But there are some v. good moments like a chat and a meeting with ppl* at 3 Am in the morn. Anyways thts wht i look forward to.
Signing off to the most hectic 48 hours so far.